Sunday, July 10, 2011



  1. Hey, I lost the RSS feed for your blog. I thought you hadn't been updating for a month. Do you know what's up with that? I can't seem to subscribe anymore.

    Anyway, great blog. Insightful.

  2. Hello Brown,
    Sorry I took down the RSS feed because I had many complaints from people that I was clogging up their RSS feeder...
    I practically post everyday, so please come and check when u have the time.
    Thanks for the support!

  3. I did the same thing as Brown but realised and went back and read about a month of posts in one sitting! Totally clued up now haha, posting once a day is good, keeps you focused and the mind ticking over

  4. I like reading daily updates. I don't subscribe to a lot of blogs. I did the same as beeoneoneoh and read a month at once.

  5. actually i originally used this series to accompany the jill the pill article, but then changed my mind... but anywaywas the last three posts (and photos) were all taken during the same day, so they are all kind of related subconsciously...

    i also am beginning to think after seeing this ball series as well, that hayato is the outer representation of my soul. well maybe... haha.

  6. brown and beeoneoneoh,
    i am really glad that the past month of TB posts are captivating enough to be read in one long sitting... because people's attention span on the internet is usually pretty bad...
    I guess it says something.
    Thanks for the support and my apologies for the RSS problem. Anyways I think TB should be seen the way it is meant to be shown on the blog rather than filtered and mutilated through some other processed site... (but actually I have never done RSS feed for myself so I am just guessing it doesn't look quite the same)

  7. I've subscribed to your Twitter now, it's a useful reminder to check the blog.

    Like you say, using an RSS reader takes away your control of the design.

