Installation Day
Day 303: Saturday, January 07, 2012
Day 303: Saturday, January 07, 2012
While we were celebrating with our neighbors this evening, an old lady(shown directly above) stopped and asked if the cat in the photos had died. She looked shocked and then told Yuki that because she had never knew Willy’s real name before, she always called her "Mi-Chan". She said that she would often see Mi-chan walking around outside and, thinking that she was hungry, she would lead her to a house where there was always food out for stray cats. All of a sudden, right in front of us, she clasped her hands together and began to pray asking God to tell Willy to go to heaven and protect us. When she was done, she opened her eyes and muttered, “I wonder what kind of star she will be…”
You have a lot of good people around you.